You can easily return the products you bought from SONAFEY in their original box, within 7 days at the latest from the delivery date, by performing the return process through your membership. After your product reaches us, it is examined and processed by the relevant units within 2 days at the latest. The return of the approved products is made by SONAFEY within 3 working days for the purchases made by credit card, and the refunds. The next process is related to your bank. Refunds for installment orders are reflected to your credit card in installments, again by your bank. Shipping costs for returns, and customs clearance costs in case of product insurance, belong to the customer. Our company does not accept liability in case returns made with other cargo companies are lost. You should pack and ship the product exactly as it was received from SONAFEY. You will be notified by email when we receive your return and your refund has been made when the return process is completed only on the product price will be refunded.

Returns of products that have expired, are unlabeled, used, have lost their resaleability or are damaged are not accepted. It will be sent back to you prepaid.